
Transferring servers

  • Compress all unused / extra-low-usage stuff and ship it out first
  • DNS

Bulk transfer is the best way to do this.

  1. Use DNSCMD to bulk list all zones
  2. Allow them to transfer to a secondary
    dnscmd . /ZoneResetSecondaries /NonSecure
  3. Add them to the new server as secondary
    dnscmd . /ZoneAdd /Secondary (old-server-IP) /file
  4. Give them 48 hours to sync correctly, optionally expand each zone and confirm that it’s actually synced
  5. Convert to primary
    dnscmd . /zoneresettype /primary /file
  6. use this VBS script to ensure all the records are converted = old IP, = new IP

    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & _
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from MicrosoftDNS_AType")
    For Each objItem in colItems
    If objItem.RecordData = "" then
    dim zone
    zone = objItem.ContainerName
    dim rr 
    rr = Replace(objItem.OwnerName,"." & objItem.ContainerName,"")
    if rr=zone then
     rr=zone & "."
    end if 
    Wscript.Echo "dnscmd /recorddelete " & zone & " " & rr & " A /F "
    Wscript.Echo "dnscmd /recordadd " & zone & " " & rr & " A "
    End If 
  • IIS

Use the IIS bulk transfer tool. This moves everything including SSLs and whatnot – but it does not move dependencies. You will need to ensure dependencies are installed using Web Platform installer else you won’t have a track record of what’s there & what’s not.

BUT it does not work for > 4GB sizes. Batch transfers get tricky as the new transfer may negatively impact the past imports…

  1. Use the Server > Management > Shared Configuration  option to export the config only
  2. Transfer the files by hand
  3. On the new box, use Server > Management > Shared Configuration to import the config.
  4. Note: Username/password relates to folder security and NOT the file encryption password.
  5. Install PHP as per your preference – I use 5.3.9 MSI installer for convenience. DO NOT select “ALL extensions” – keep it default and add more as you NEED to. Some of them malfunction causing whole PHP framework to crash.
  6. Be sure to install all the VC++ libraries needed by PHP. This is very confusing and I chose to install ALL varieties (x86 AND x64, VC9, VC11, VC15) and then it worked smoothly. Doesnt take long to install though.
  7. ASP.NET – is uber smooth. Grab it through Web Platform installer and its a zero effort setup.

Anonymous logins cause a lot more trouble than it’s worth. Use this script to fix the issue permanently:

Dim Siteobj
Dim Site
Dim SiteName
Dim SiteId

Set SiteObj = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC")

for each Site in Siteobj
 If Site.keytype="IIsWebServer" Then 
 if Site.AnonymousUserName<>"" then
 WScript.Echo Site.ServerComment
 WScript.Echo Site.AuthAnonymous


end if 
 End if 

Beware: If you do the bulk transfer without taking care of dependencies, you WILL corrupt your IIS install. It’s harder to fix after that…

  • Database

Be sure to install database and ODBC drivers – the new ACE oledb driver (ref: won’t work unless you install these 4 links
(I chose the 32bit version, which means in IIS application pool you’ll need to enable 32-bit execution)

Make backups “BAK” of all SQL databases and immediately thereafter delete the database / stop the server. This way the transfer state will remain consistent.

Refer to to ensure you know how to get the users list across. This article is superb for ready-to-use code too:

Finally use this script:

For MySQL:

  • do a full script export and stop the server

    mysqldump –all-databases -u root -p > mysql.txt

  • do an import on the new server

    mysql -u root -p < mysql.txt

For MongoDB: its SUPER EASY! I so love this.

  • do a mongodump and stop the server
  • mongorestore on the new server – voila! Instant running.