Reputation management

You are only as credible as your online reputation. In fact if your online reputation is bad, you may have trouble getting your personal/company website, your blog or anything positive related to you – appearing on search engines.

This goes way beyond SEO and SEM. This is creating history. If history created around your name was bad, negative, otherwise just “non-positve” – you will not appear in search results. Your site may not be indexed (because if Google links you to something bad it must be true) – it can just get worse and worse!

Fortunately there’s a fix, a cure – and even methods of preventing this in the future!! One of my friends just had this issue… 2 years ago. A really crooked and bitter ex-employee put up a horribly negative reputation, and its been difficult to get his website to appear easily on Google. Difficult to find clients who trust him, and hard to retain current clients and employees.

The fix was relatively painless, and in just 6 months the negative reputation vanished; replaced by positivity – and he had more clients than ever!!

Do call me for more info.