Risk Management

IMHO, I would classify risk management as “very subjective”.

Consider a website development project that has been funded, and is estimated to take 100 man hours (approx 13 man-days) and has a team of 3 people working on it – a project manager and 2 developers (approx 5-6 man-days per person).

* Now it’s upto the project manager to ensure there is no financial/expense risk by bidding high enough

* Ensure there’s no time risk by padding the delivery timeline quote adequately. Also in the event there is an illness, power outage, etc

* There has to be a time buffer. There have to be measures like maybe a UPS or medication (maybe flu medication if flu season is around)

Sometimes its possible one team member is suddenly not able to perform – job change, accident, death – anything. The project manager is responsible to ensure this capacity is filled and the limitation (maybe training of the new entree) here is overcome. Overall, a good risk management policy is one that helps reduce the focus on risk from 80% to 20%.

If you keep good power backup, additional on-call employees, medication on hand, your risk to manpower loss is limited – and you spend less time trying to wrap up that end of the spectrum. Likewise if you have bid high enough to cover your expenses you have less trouble there – and you dont need to either be in a hurry or re-quote or otherwise risk your reputation on deliverability.

I dont think it’s possible to eliminate risk 100%. I figure a re-iterative 80-20 process (just like we use for quality management in 6 sigma) would be the most functional and effective.

But then again – to each their own. This is MY belief and methodology. If you find this of use and wish to publish or write about it feel free; I’m happy to elaborate more and provide much more detail; I would just like to know where it is and have my name mentioned on it in a wee corner.

Reputation management

You are only as credible as your online reputation. In fact if your online reputation is bad, you may have trouble getting your personal/company website, your blog or anything positive related to you – appearing on search engines.

This goes way beyond SEO and SEM. This is creating history. If history created around your name was bad, negative, otherwise just “non-positve” – you will not appear in search results. Your site may not be indexed (because if Google links you to something bad it must be true) – it can just get worse and worse!

Fortunately there’s a fix, a cure – and even methods of preventing this in the future!! One of my friends just had this issue… 2 years ago. A really crooked and bitter ex-employee put up a horribly negative reputation, and its been difficult to get his website to appear easily on Google. Difficult to find clients who trust him, and hard to retain current clients and employees.

The fix was relatively painless, and in just 6 months the negative reputation vanished; replaced by positivity – and he had more clients than ever!!

Do call me for more info.

Macintosh Viruses – your Apple Mac is no longer immune!

For years, Mac users have been told that not only are they cooler than their PC counterparts, they are safer too. Apple has always held that computer viruses and malware dogged only its competitors.

That is no longer the case.

This week, security researchers discovered that a new computer virus had infected half a million Macs — about half of them in the United States. The virus is infesting the computers in the most surreptitious way possible: users need not manually click on any malicious links or manually download any malware to get infected. The program simply downloads itself. Once downloaded, the malware’s creators gain a back door that gives them unauthorized access to the victim’s computer.

“This is the largest scale attack on Mac OS X to date,” said Roel Schouwenberg, a senior researcher at Kaspersky Lab, an antivirus software company, who has analyzed the malware. “And much more sophisticated.”


However what they’ve neglected to mention is a cure. I’ve found a cure, and it is currently in use in our company.

Do call me for more info.

Mobile hacking is on the rise – be careful what data you keep on your cell phone!

Latest update on the mobile data theft front – there have been 8.7 million mobile users hacked in South Korea – a shocking number any day!!

With the mobile becoming an easy to use accessory everyone wants to have their data at the touch of a finger… Apart from the traditional mobile theft you now have mobile data theft – where the mobile may be with you but the hacker can still steal your data. The best control for this – avoid putting valuable data (like bank passwords or credit card information) on your mobile. No matter what brand, no matter how carefully your mobile device is kept.


If you feel you have placed valuable data on your phone but are not sure how to remove it – please contact us and we’ll help you in the process.


I got a new car! Which is actually an old car… :)

So after much research and planning and thinking, wifey and me finally bought a car. A second-hand (4th hand if you count previous owners) model 1999 Santro. We had everything checked and were overall quite pleased with it.

I still need to put the pics up, but basically here’s the fun part:

We took this vehicle for a service to Hyundai’s authorized service station (hereafter referred to as ASS; no pun intended the abbreviation means a lot :). What we were told – they were clearly trying to fleece us – is “The car has a bad engine, bad suspension, bad wheels, damaged body – it will all need to be replaced”. DUH! We know for a fact that these things were in excellent shape before we bought it; but their quote of INR 3 lacs took the prize.

I mean we would have bought a NEW car if we wanted to spend 3 lacs…. so finally we decided to take our vehicle off their hands and to a reliable local mechanic (team-bhp highly recommends having a trusted local mechanic; now I know why!!) – and away from the ASS (the the money-sucking assholes therein).

It cost us just INR 2000. For a full tuneup, replacing some minor parts, patched up the crappy elements of the car and it’s goodish as newish.

My big plus point (I’m a fiddler) is that I get to fiddle with everything with no risk of voiding warranty. I tried out some accelerator tightening, and some clutch tightening, and stuff – with very good results!

Wifey (read: My Chauffeur) was so pleased with the mods! My next self-install upgrade will be HIDs (ordered and coming SOON!)

The FINAL fix for a Mac Repeat-email problem

In the interests of allowing the Mac Pro to be able to function adequately with a “normal” server, we’ve had to update the server – this was a final (and very effective) fix for the troublesome repeat-email download problem.

Basically, the primary email id forwards to a secondary id. Primary id is configured on all portable devices, as well as the Mac Pro’s OUTGOING settings. The INCOMING settings on the Mac Pro are set to the secondary email id – with “save on server” set to off.

Seems all Mac based email clients have trouble while saving email on the server – even if you’re using Gmail you are _forced_ to set it to “do not save on server” and then alter some of the Gmail account settings – it’s quite bothersome! Of course IT is expected to support the device so it’s natural that we need to fix any issues that happen. The source of the issue is not relevant.

Here’s a pic that explains what we did to fix it.

Email configuration - graphical

All else aside – this final solution worked brilliantly for our requirements. Very happy with what we’re able to do now – at the slight disadvantage of having to deal with 2 accounts – but with the major benefit of all email software on the Mac Pro functioning normally.  Wooot!!!


I’m asked this every other day by people I meet – specially because they confuse “VCIO” and the website www.vcio.in and my blog cbd.vcio.in and me.

To be quite frank I’m tired of it. So after a long hibernation (to seek the truth, etc etc) I come with enlightenment.

1. I’m still very much an IT Manager

2. I’m NOT a VCIO. Yet. But I will be, after I stop working full time. But not yet.

3. I’m working full time and legally; well within boundries of my agreements. I wouldnt be a very good VCIO (in the far future) if I didnt adhere to the legal system now would I….

This blog is about me and my exploits. The website www.vcio.in was put up a long, long time ago. No I’ve not updated it. It’s a personal site and selling nothing – so I’m not planning on taking it down…. so I can live with myself just fine…
